
Thursday, October 25, 2012

2012 Wrap up

About 20 riders started laps at Miller's on Sunday morning at 7 am in support of the 3rd annual M4 ride. We couldn't have asked for better starting conditions.  It was calm, cool, and clear as the riders turned on their lights and started winding their way through the trees.  Several supports and team riders waited in the parking area where Ruth Holliday from the Bicycle Pedaler has set up a tent and she provided water, energy packs, and lots of enthusiasm.  The Oz Club also had a tent set up for their riders and provided encouragement for everyone as they completed their laps. 

Only three riders attempted to complete the ride solo.  One rider left for a non-ride situation that needed his attention and the other two idiots (including me) completed the ride as dusk fell.

Lap one was marked with the rides first mechanical.  I jump one of the gullies and de-chained my bike. After several attempts to keep the chain on  I discovered I had bent a tooth on my Spot chainring.  Brent left me to complete his lap and I ran back to the truck and used a crescent wrench to complete a field fix.  I caught up with Brent later in the lap. On the second lap Brent wrecked causing bruising and a jacked up hip.  He was quoted as saying "fuck!"

#3 came by to taunt us by drinking beer while his new bride rode laps in his place on Brent's team. He has an injury but when asked if he skipped the ride to avoid a blood doping test he was quoted as saying "suck it!"

The rest of the ride was marked with multiple flats on my part and all together a difficult but wonderful ride.

The shirts were a success. They were designed by Andy Tatum and printed by Prairie Print

Thanks to all the riders who participated and their family members for the Sunday ride pass to be away from home all day.

See you next year,


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Final T Shirt Design

Here is a proof for the final TShirt design.  Once again, the shirts will be 100% cotton, Gildan Ultra. 
Cost is $17 for Short Sleeve and $22 for Long Sleeve.  Add $2 for XXL. 

The color of the shirt will be a heather blue instead of the black background you see here.  The text will be on the back.  Complectus Dolor is latin and roughly translates to "Embrace the Suck"  I have the minimum order but you can still order one if you want.  I will place the order on the 10th of October.  Payment is due at that time via Paypal.  Email me and I will send you an invoice.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2012 Rules, Details, Shirt Design

We are up and running for the 2012 show.   The ride will be Sunday, October 21st. 

Here is the proposed TShirt design:

I'll have prices soon. 

Rules are the same as before:

The ride will be 21 laps at Miller's Meadow

1. The ride is 21 laps long, or 100 miles. This is not a race. No time or placing information will be kept.

2. Riders can ride solo or as part of a team. Teams can be one, two, three, four, or five or more riders.

3. For team riders, a member must be on the trail at all times. Riders can split the number of laps up amongst themselves as they see fit.

4. Each team or solo rider will need to keep track of their own laps.   

5. The ride starts at 7am
6. Riders are not required to stay at the trail when team mates are on the ride. You are welcome to make a trip to QT for drinks and food.

7. There is no cost for this ride. It is unsanctioned and unsponsered. It is a show and go. All riders accept responsibliity for themselves and their ride.

8. A T Shirt will be made available. Pricing and design are in the works.

9.  Sign up via email at Put "M4 Ride" as your subject line. Please include your team name and team members with email address for all riders.

10.  The ride is unsupported.  I'll bring a floor pump but otherwise don't expect any mechanics or anything to be around. 


Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Date

The M4 ride is tentatively scheduled for Sunday 10/21/12.  More infomation in the late spring.  Comments or questions can be directed to
