
Friday, May 9, 2014

2014 M4 ride

The 2014 M4 Ride with be held on Sunday, October 12th  at 7am.

7am, Sunday Oct 12, 2014.

Here are the "rules"

1. With the expansion of the trial , the ride is now 20 laps. This is not a race. No time or placing information will be kept.  Helmets required. 

2. Riders can ride solo or as part of a team. Teams can be one, two, three, four, or five or more riders.

3. For team riders, one member, and only one member, must be on the trail at all times. Riders can split the number of laps up amongst themselves as they see fit. They can take turns, but they cannot ride at the same time.

4.  Each team or solo rider will need to keep track of their own laps.

5. The ride starts at 7am

6. Riders are not required to stay at the trail when team mates are on the ride. You are welcome to make a trip to QT for drinks and food.

7. There is no cost for this ride. It is unsanctioned and unsponsered. It is a show and go. All riders accept responsibliity for themselves and their ride.

8. A T Shirt will be available for purchase.  Orders can be made starting in August.  I'll upload a logo over the summer. 

9. Sign up by email me at  I need to know if you are riding solo or as a team.  If riding as a team then I need all team members names and emails.

10. The ride is unsupported. I'll bring a floor pump but otherwise don't expect any mechanics or anything to be around.

11. The Kansas Singletrack twitter feed will be used for updates up to ride day. You don't have
to be a follower to view the posts. Just bookmark this link:
If you are a twitter user, feel free to follow us: @kssingletrack

12.  Your bike must be equipped with brakes.  Last year someone on a non-braked fixie hit another rider because they came across a stopped rider and could not stop in time. 

13.  This year we will be sharing the trail with the KSS open house and membership drive.  All riders should be aware that between 1:00 and 4:00 the trail may non M4 riders on the trail. Please be an ambassador for the sport.

Shirts are available for $25 (short sleeve) and $30 (long sleeve).  Send a paypal payment to by Oct 1st.


  1. Helmets? Those are required correct? There seems to be quite a few rules, will there be course marshals enforcing? As long as I have brakes, can I ride fixed?

  2. No course marshals. Helmets. Do you have a fixed bike?
